Phone: (509) 826-0100
It is the intention of North Cascades Broadcasting, Inc (NCBI) to provide equal employment opportunity (EEO) to all qualified persons and that no person shall be discriminated against in employment by North Cascades Broadcasting because of race, color, religion, national origin or sex.
To this end NCBI has established a positive continuing program of specific practices designed to ensure equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in every aspect of station employment policy and practice. This positive program consists of the elements described in this Outline.
NCBI management consists of a General Manager, News Director, Program Director and Sales Manager. Primary hiring and promotion decisions reside with the General Manager and with the News Director. Program Director and Sales Manager will provide input to the hiring process and assist in conducting employment interviews with job applicants. These four positions will at all times conduct the hiring and recruiting process in such a way as to ensure nondiscrimination in all aspects of this process.
Management will provide information at regular staff meetings regarding this EEO policy and program and encourage their cooperation with the program. Management will also monitor conduct of all departments and employees in an effort to exclude all forms of discrimination from the NCBI workplace.
NCBI communicates is EEO program and policy and its employment needs with a number of sources of qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, national origin or sex in an effort to solicit their assistance on a continuing basis. These sources include but are not limited to:
NCBI conducts extensive recruitment for each full-time job vacancy in its operation. NCBI uses the sources listed above in this Section as well as publishing job vacancies in the local daily newspaper and broadcasting employment opening announcements on its radio stations and corporate website. These efforts are used to widely disseminate information concerning each job opening.
NCBI will also provide job opening information regarding each full time vacancy to any requesting organization. To be entitled to notice of these openings the requesting organization will provide the NCBI with its name, mailing address or email address, telephone number and contact person and identify the categories of opening for which it is requesting notices.
NCBI regularly participates in the follow initiatives in an effort to provide general and specific information regarding employment opportunities in broadcasting, and job openings at NCBI.
6.1 Internships. NCBI regularly offers (at least two per year) to interested high school or college students who want to work in the broadcast industry. This effort is promoted through communication with high school counselors and college career counselors. These internships consistently produce employment opportunities for the participants.
6.2 Business/employment Fair. NCBI staff members participate each year in this local event that in part high-light local employment opportunities in broadcasting.
6.3 Training / Mentoring. Station staff members are regularly cross trained and mentored by station staff in an effort to prepare them for additional responsibility and potential advancement.
6.4 Management Training. Management positions at NCBI include Sales Manager, Program Director, News Director and Station Manager. Training is provided to these staff members regarding methods of ensuring equal employment opportunity and preventing discrimination. Training is provided annually.
An annual review is conducted of NCBI recruitment activity to be sure that it is effective in achieving its broad outreach objective and address any problems found.
NCBI also conducts a periodic review of employment activity to analyze; employment information dissemination, seniority practices, rates of pay and benefits, media usage, employee promotions and job candidate selection processes to ensure that these are conducted in a manner consistent with equal opportunity for employment irrespective of race, national origin, color, religion or sex.
NCBI will keep complete records of the following:
9.1 Full time Job Openings by title including recruitment sources used to fill the vacancy.
9.2 Dated copies of advertisements used.
9.3 Total number of interviewees for each vacancy with referral source.
9.4 Date the vacancy was filled and the recruitment source.
9.5 Documentation regarding participation in each of the initiatives listed in paragraph 6 of this document.
NCBI will file all required forms and reports as specified by the FCC in compliance with FCC EEO program requirements. These include but are not limited to; EEO Annual Report Form 396 and Broadcast Mid Term Report Form 397. Copies of these forms, and this program outline will also be placed in the station’s public inspection file.