Phone: (509) 826-0100
Email: info@komw.net
This is a *FREE* service to our valued NCBI listeners! Streaming Audio will only be available during local High School Sports broadcasts, Openline and Partyline.
If you have a broadband connection use the following links to hear game at the scheduled times.
2016-2017 High School Sports Games are still available. Please Call 826-0100 to purchase CD copies.
2015-2016 High School Sports Games are still available. Please Call 826-0100 to purchase CD copies.
2013-2014 High School Sports Games are still available. Please Call 826-0100 to purchase CD copies.
2012-2013 High School Sports Games are still available. Please Call 826-0100 to purchase CD copies.
Copies of Seasons 2008 through 2011 are also available. Please call 826-0100 to purchase CD Copies.