Local News

Cougar Sighted in Okanogan

Sep 11, 2015

The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife has recently received several reports of a cougar in the area of Okanogan.  With wildfires and extremely dry summer conditions many animals in the county have been displaced.  

As a result local WDFW officers have been responding to a higher number of sightings or livestock depredations.  If an animal continues to be a problem or has attacked livestock WDFW officers will employ hound handlers in an attempt to remove the offending animal. 

After several sightings of a cougar in the Okanogan area, local WDFW enforcement supervisor, Sergeant Dan Christensen, issued a permit to a local hound handler in an attempt to track down and chase the cat from the area.  However, due to high temperatures, dry conditions and a high concentration of homes in the area, efforts have so far been unsuccessful.  One of the biggest problems is that pursuing hounds have to be kept on leash, and cannot be released in highly populated areas.  Officers have also issued a permit for another cat that is responsible for killing a sheep on the Omak Flats.  This area is also highly populated, and has resulted in some difficulty tracking down the offending animal.

Last Monday Officer Jason Day from the Okanogan Detachment responded to the Town of Manson after receiving a call of a cougar that had attacked and killed 12 goats that had been secured in a small barn.  He and a hound hunter were able to track down and remove what turned out to be an older male cat that was extremely emaciated, and had severely burned paws.  

Residents are reminded that a wide variety of wildlife, including cougars and bears, exists in our county and we ask that everyone use common sense.  Keep pets secured, closely monitor your children, especially during hours of dusk, and report any sightings immediately to the Washington State Patrol at 509-422-3800, who is responsible for dispatching Fish and Wildlife police officers.


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